

Managing Tests

How do I create a test?

To create a test, make sure you’re logged in and navigate to (also accessible through a button on the panel home). You will be greeted by three separate panels. We will start with the “Thumbnails” and “Titles” panels. To upload your thumbnails, drag your thumbnails to anywhere on the page or select them from your computer using the “Select Files” button. To add titles, please write them in the text area next to the “Add Title” button, and press the button to add the title to your list. If you wish to edit a title, you may do so by clicking the entry in the titles list. Both titles and thumbnails can be removed by pressing the red delete icon, visible when hovering your mouse over the data.
The settings panel has four different fields, each serving a different purpose. The internal title is a title only you can see and is visible in the list over created tests on the panel home page. The display username is the name respondents will see in the welcome and end messages, as well as under thumbnails during tests. The introduction message is the message visible to respondents on the first page when they load the test, and the end message is a similar message on the final screen, after the respondent has completed all parts of your test. The introduction and end message are optional.
To create your test, press the “Create Test and Get Link” button, which will upload all data and open a window with your link when it has completed. You can get this link again at any point from the panel home.

Can I edit tests?

To edit a test, use the “Edit” button on the panel home page. Please note that new thumbnails or titles can not be added after a test has been created – please create a new test if you wish to add more data.

How do I read the results?

The right part of the results panel (or the first four panels on mobile devices, including the first information panel) shows the results of the first two parts of a test, where respondents are asked to select the first of your thumbnails they see. By default, the home page layout test is displayed, but you can change this using the tabs on the top of the page. The ”Most Selected” pie graph shows a visual representation how often thumbnails are selected first in this test part. If more than 5 thumbnails are tested, the least selected thumbnails will be grouped up. Below the graph is a list of the thumbnails and ratios, to get a more in-depth look.
To the right of ”Most Selected”, we have ”Time”. In this box plot we can read how long it takes a user to click each thumbnail. We usually recommend to use this graph to complement the ”Most Selected” graph, making sure the results are accurate. In most cases, a lower median is better.
At the bottom of the right section, we have the ”Best Selection Ratio” list. In this list, the collected data from the test part is written in clear text. This is useful when you want more detailed data than the graphs above provide.
All thumbnails in the right part (or the first four panels on mobile devices, including the first information panel) of the results page are all ordered in the same way and have the same assigned colors across all graphs. If you wish to quickly see which thumbnail is represented where, you can hover the graphs to get a preview. This feature is only available on desktop devices.
The “Respondent Favorites” panel shows data on which thumbnails and titles the respondents find the most interesting, and their rating for their selected thumbnail or title. This data is collected in the last parts of the test and has no time limit.
Up to 3 thumbnails are visible in the first parts of the test (“Most selected”, “Time” and “Best Selection Ratio”), and up to 8 thumbnails and titles are visible in the last parts (“Respondent Favorites”). If more data is present in the test, the displayed thumbnails or titles are randomly selected. This is of course taken into account when displaying the results. We recommend using a combination of the first and last part of the test to build a good understanding of what thumbnails will get you the most clicks.

What are the limitations of a test?

A test may have up to 20 thumbnails and up to 20 titles, and will accept an unlimited number of responses. This is likely to change in the future, as paid plans are added.

Can I end/close tests?

To close a test, go to the test edit page, untick the ”Accepting Responses” checkbox, and save the test by pressing the ”Update Test” button.

How many tests can I create?

You may create an unlimited number of tests. This is likely to change in the future, as paid plans are added.

Paid Features

Is ThumbnailTester free?

As of now, ThumbnailTester is 100% free. We intend on adding paid features in the future, but if you create an account before we do so, you can keep using ThumbnailTester for free forever – that’s a promise!

How much does ThumbnailTester cost?

ThumbnailTester is free, without any hidden fees. We intend on adding paid features in the future, but if you create an account before we do so, you can keep using ThumbnailTester for free forever – that’s a promise!

What are the benefits of using a paid plan?

Paid plans are not yet available.

What paid plans are available?

Paid plans are not yet available.

Can I get a refund?

Paid plans are not yet available.

Other Topics

What is ThumbnailTester?

ThumbnailTester is an easy and effective way to test your thumbnails and titles before you upload your videos, making sure it gets the attention it deserves! It's no secret that the thumbnails and title of a video is what gets clicks, so it is important to be smart when creating these.
Using ThumbnailTester, you can easily create a link to share with your actual audience. This link leads to a 1 minute test split into two parts. The first of these gather data on what what thumbnail alternative is the most attention grabbing, and the second gathers data on what thumbnail and titles seem the most interesting. A sample test is available below.
Once you have responses, the gathered data is easily readable in our panel, allowing you to make informed choices and get more clicks!

I have an idea or question. How can I get in contact with you?

The easiest way to contact us is through our contact e-mail address, Click to reveal e-mail address.. You may also contact us through our Twitter, @TestThumbnails. We always take feedback seriously, so please let us know if you have any concerns or ideas on how to improve the product!

Do you have a sample test?

A sample test is available at

Who runs ThumbnailTester?

ThumbnailTester is created and maintained by Hugo Beck-Friis.

I've lost my password. How can I reset it?

You can reset your password at

How can I change my password?

You can change your password at You need to be logged in to access this page.